Separation means protection in your plant
Your plant can be a dangerous place. When it comes to protection, a yellow line painted on the floor just doesn't cut it.
The innovative GuardRite® Sure-Stop™ Barrier System is a smarter protection system when it is critical to have a barrier that stops fork truck accidents. This gusseted barrier can stop a fork truck with little or no deflection. It can be used as a stand-alone barrier or it can be incorporated into a custom installation with other barrier systems, creating a highly visible barrier for pedestrians and material handling equipment.
Modular design
- 18" (455 mm), 24" (610 mm), 36" (915 mm), 48" (1220 mm), or 60" (1525 mm) lengths
- 3/4" x 7" (19 mm x 178 mm) concrete anchors provided
- Easy to install
Solid performance
- Designed to stop up to 29,800 lbs. (13,545 kg). Consult the GuardRite Steel BLAST Impact Rating Chart for complete weight and speed ratings.
- Made of 8" (205 mm) high, 3/16" (4.8 mm) thick steel, while 3/8" (9.5 mm) gussets support the steel plate and provide durability and strength
- Safety yellow powder coated paint provides high visibility
- Highest value for many difficult applications
- Unique solutions for protection problems
*Consult The Science of Safety white paper for a complete explanation of the information contained within this chart.
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